FAQ: Pump tubing size, type and replacement

Frequently asked questions about pump tubing type & pump tubing size suitable to work with LAMBDA peristaltic pump, tubing insertion in pump head and replacement of pump tubing:

FAQ: Type & compatibility of pump tubing

What type of pump tubing can be used with LAMBDA peristaltic pumps?

LAMBDA peristaltic liquid pumps work well with the silicone tubing or the tubing with similar elasticity as that of silicone tubing


Is the peristaltic pump compatible with PTFE tubing?

We do not supply PTFE tubings, because PTFE tubing is not elastic enough to be used with LAMBDA peristaltic variable speed pumps. You can use silicone and fluoropolymer-based tubing.


Could you give more information on the pump tubing to be used with NMP liquid?

Based on the information from chemical compatibility charts, it is possible to use Silicone tubing to pump NMP liquid using LAMBDA dispensing pumps.


FAQ: Peristaltic pump tubing size

What is the preferred tubing size to work with pumps?

You can use pump tubing made of silicone or other material with similar elasticity with internal diameter 0.5 to 4 mm, wall thickness ~1 mm with PRECIFLOW, MULTIFLOW, HIFLOW & MAXIFLOW pumps and internal diameter 2 to 12 mm, wall thickness ~2 mm with MEGAFLOW peristaltic pumps.
Please refer www.peristaltic-pump.eu/pump-tubing/ for further information.


Does the tubing size affect the flow rate range?

Yes, the flow rates delivered by peristaltic pumps depend on the internal diameter of the pump tubing used.

FAQ: Tubing insertion & replacement

How should I insert the tubing in the pump head?

What is the procedure to replace the tubing?

It is easy and simple to insert and / or replace the tubing in the peristaltic pump head. Please refer to the tubing insertion and replacement of tubing in the pump head video.

For example: 

  • Select the pump speed range from 300 to 700 (in case of MEGAFLOW pump, use the lowest speed setting).
  • Choose the sense of rotation and press ON/OFF button.
  • Press tubing into the slot on the top of the peristaltic pump head. Thin tubing should be pushed completely to the bottom of the slot.
  • Guide the tubing in the sense of rotation around the slowly turning plastic bearings.
  • Press the tubing into the other slot on the pump head to secure it in place.